Florida Republicans In Office


Home Why RFR


Republicans believe in liberty, economic prosperity, preserving American values and traditions, and restoring the American dream for every citizen of this great nation. As a party, we support policies that seek to achieve those goals.

Our platform is centered on:
  • Stimulating economic growth for all Americans
  • Protecting constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms
  • Ensuring the integrity of our elections
  • Maintaining our national security

We are working to preserve America's greatness for our children and grandchildren.
Our commitment to the youth is unwavering. We understand that the future of our nation lies in the hands of the younger generation. We strive to create an environment where young people can thrive, with access to quality education, job opportunities, and the freedom to pursue their dreams. By promoting policies that foster innovation and economic growth, we aim to provide a prosperous and secure future for our youth.
The Republican Party's legacy -- originally founded in 1854 for the purpose of ending slavery -- compels us to patriotically defend America's values. As the left attempts to destroy what makes America great, the Republican Party is standing in the breach to defend our nation and way of life, ensuring a bright future for the next generation.

Why Real Florida Republicans?

The Real Florida Republicans (RFR) are dedicated to enriching our community and uniting people from all walks of life. Here’s why our mission resonates with every resident of our great state, including Black Americans, Latinos, Whites, Legal Immigrants, Gen Z, To All Floridians and college-aged individuals between 20-60 years old:

FOR ALL TO UNITE TOGETHER! Unsilenced United Majority
  • For Latinos:
  • We value your cultural contributions and recognize the importance of family and hard work.
  • Our policies aim to provide economic opportunities and a secure environment for your communities.
  • We support educational initiatives to ensure your children have access to quality education and the tools they need to succeed.

To Black Americans: We want for you what we want for every Floridian – safe neighborhoods, clean streets, good jobs, a better life for your children, and a justice system that treats everyone equally, regardless of your skin color or political beliefs.

To Legal Immigrants: You deserve the opportunity to secure a better life for your children in America, just like our ancestors did. Our state thrives on the contributions of hardworking, law-abiding immigrants.

To Gen Z: You want to be a rebel? Try embracing conservative values on your college campus. Stand up for the right to get married, have kids, and teach them to pledge allegiance to our country. It’s a liberating experience that challenges the status quo.

To All Floridians: Even if you disagree with everything we stand for, we will still defend your right to voice your opinion. That’s the essence of American freedom and democracy.

For Whites:

  • We believe in preserving American values and traditions that have built our great nation.
  • Our focus is on creating safe neighborhoods, ensuring job growth, and maintaining a fair justice system.
  • We stand for the protection of constitutional rights, including free speech and the right to bear arms.

For College-Aged Individuals (20-60 years old):

  • We promote job creation and economic policies that open doors for new graduates and young professionals.
  • We support the freedom to express diverse opinions on campus and in the workplace without fear of retribution.
  • We advocate for personal responsibility, family values, and the opportunity to build a prosperous future.
  • We emphasize the importance of national security and a stable economy to ensure a bright future for all.

Enriching Community Through Family-Friendly Events

  • Family-Friendly Events: We host a variety of family-friendly events that bring together people from all backgrounds. These events are designed to celebrate our shared values and culture, providing a welcoming and safe space for everyone, including children.
  • Uniting All Walks of Life: Our events are inclusive, aiming to unite individuals from all walks of life. Whether you are a young professional, a parent, a student, or a retiree, our gatherings offer something for everyone, including activities for children.
  • Safe and Inviting Spaces: We offer safe and inviting places where families can come together without the pressure of obligatory meetings and clubs. Our focus is on building a supportive community where you can connect with others who share your values and aspirations.
  • Educational and Enriching Activities: Our events often include educational and enriching activities for children, helping to foster a love of learning and community engagement from a young age. These activities are designed to be fun and informative, ensuring that our future generations grow up with strong values and a sense of belonging.
  • No Obligations: Participation in our events is entirely voluntary, with no obligations to join meetings or clubs. We believe in the power of voluntary association and the benefits it brings to community cohesion and personal growth.

By uniting Floridians under these core principles and through enriching, family-friendly community events, the Real Florida Republicans strive to create a state where everyone, including our children, can achieve their dreams and enjoy a high quality of life. Join us in our mission to keep Florida a place of opportunity, safety, and prosperity for all.

  • Donations: As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, RFR heavily relies on donations from individuals, corporate sponsors, and foundations.
  • Merchandise Sales: RFR sells branded merchandise through their online store.
  • Events and Conferences: They organize events and conferences, which include ticket sales and sponsorships.
  • Membership Programs: They offer donor clubs and memberships with exclusive benefits.

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